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Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

Black Dahlia Murder Biography

From the complete waste of earth that is Detroit, Michigan, comes The Black Dahlia Murder. A venomous melodic death metal outfit named after the brutal unsolved slaying of temptress Elizabeth Short. Drawing influence from forefathers such as At the Gates, Dissection and Carcass, The Black Dahlia Murder has upped the speed and intensity of the style into a gore-soaked whirlwind all their own. They seeminglessly twist from destructively fast blast beats to beautiful and dark melodic textures, giving a soundtrack to the horror and insanity surrounding The Black Dahlia legacy. The only thing better than hearing this band on their new Lovelost Records debut EP is to catch them drawing blood in the live element. The stage presence of this band completely transcends the hair-swaying posing that this genre has become accustomed to, bringing an unbridled energy to such a widely sterile musical form. The Black Dahlia Murder are a band that is not to be missed, and once witnessed cannot be denied. Be on the lookout for The Black Dahlia Murder North American Tour this summer.

The Black Dahlia Murder
Brian Eschbach · Guitar
Cory Grady · Drums
David Lock · Bass
John Kempainen · Guitar
Trevor Strnad · Vocals

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